My First Experiment
Although conceptually based on my personal design space and the desired professional profile, the idea for my experiment came in a surprisingly accidental and organic manner. In the Bio & Agri Zero seminar, we were introduced to an algae species named Arthrospira (called in the following Spirulina after its edible biomass and for simplicity), which features remarkable qualities as a food supplement, and entrusted with our very own culture to take care of in a five-liter glass jar. Besides light, nutrients and the correct PH-level, this culture needs a steady influx of O2 in it's medium to grow effectively. This happens preferably through a air pump, which should be switched on approximately five minutes every hour. However, the time-switch for our air pump was broken – which meant a slowed growth for the algae at best, the death of the culture at worst. This is how I decided to prototype a time switch for this air pump based on a ESP-32 microprocessor. While the corresponding program was quickly written, assembling the physical high voltage circuitry and building a custom wood enclosure, thus making it safe to run 24/7 without any supervision, took more effort. Below you can find images of the process leading up to and including the final prototype. This pump is now deployed to supply O2 to the algae in our classroom.
My experiment from start to finish (from top left): Drawing schematics, connecting the circuit, assembling on a wooden board and the final enclosed product regulating the air pump. Done in collaboration with Joachin.
- ESP 32
- Air Pump
- Standard Relay
- USB Charger
- Arduino IDE
- High Voltage Cables
- Spirulina Algae
- Joachin helped me tremendously with the high voltage circuitry
- The staff from the FabLab helped me with reviewing the safety of the circuitry and with building advice for the enclosure
Screenshot of my updated design space on Miro.
Next Steps
With this prototype done, it serves as a solid base to iterate on: A integrated power supply for the microcontroller, a safe enclose and a access port to connect additional sensors later on and add software updates. To develop this prototype further, I identified a number of individual experiments, for which most of them I have all necessary materials already. These experiments are to be built and executed independently but can be combined at any stage to add onto each other. Piece by piece, this will add up to a integrated sensor suite with audio-visual feedback capabilities. In detail, these experiments include:
- Connecting circuitry for running growth lights (5000 lux+) on a timed relay
- Connecting temperature sensors for monitoring optimal temperature (20°C +)
- Connect light sensors to monitore optimal light conditions
- 2 parameter digital VCO, connected to DAC Chip to create auditive Feedback
- LED strip to give colored visual feedback
- A button to ask the algae: "How are you doing?"
- Enable over-the-air programming access
How several individual experiments could add up to a full integrated sensor suite with audio-visual feedback.