Universal Declaration of Ant Rights

An excursioin into AI-assisted inter-species collaboration.



Our Concept Idea

Tasked with concepting, programming and presenting a speculative ML project within a week, our group (consisting of Paula, Nikita, Jose, Paula and Busi) decided to dive deeper into the potential of OpenAI's GPT-3 language generation model. The idea was to use the network to rewrite UN's Universal Declaration of Human Rights for an animal species, optimally for one that we as humans easily disregard. This, so the concept, could be a way to provoke, to empathize and to ultimately propose an entry point for interspecies legal frameworks.

Publishing our Declaration

Working with OpenAI's model, we managed to co-write the Universal Declaration of Ant Rights, which is presented at the link below. Additionally, there is a way to sign the declaration.

Read and Sign the Declaration here


Using the GPT-3 playground as a base, after some experimentation we set the parameters as follows: Top P(1), Freq. Penalty (0), Presence Penalty (0,5), Best Of (3). The prompt to the network was as follows:

No ant shall be arbitrarily deprived of his or her liberty.

Each individual ant, whether it is worker, drone, or queen, is unique and different. All are entitled to the same rights.

All individual ants are equal before the law and should be treated equally.

No beings are allowed to interfere with the integrity of an ant colony.

All beings are liable to be prosecuted in the Universal Interspecies Court for violation of ant rights.


Screenshots of the process generating the declaration.


Title image by Peter F. Wolf on Unsplash
Text generation by OpenAI's GPT-3 model

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