Week 17

Applications & Implications

May 18 2022

What will the project do?

Natural and technological ecosystems are closely related, however counter-intuitive it might seem at first. Investigating these overlapping areas through our senses, we venture in hybrid worlds of sounds, visuals and haptics. Between self-mutating algorithms and recursive patterns in nature, we draw similarities and aim to provoke questions about a more sustainable and tangible view of technology.

There are multiple different installations within the exhibition.

[1] VJ Area: Sensing Spaces (Working Title)
TL;DR: A live and interactive audiovisual installation on the main screen featuring a set of biomaterials and plants as physical triggers.

Audiovisuals related to nature + algorithms are generated by participants touching buttons, like a VJ/DJ set. There will be a panel with various unconventional buttons, including plants, biomaterials and other artifacts related to the theme. Various visuals and sounds will be triggered at the same time, overlaying on top of each other depending on the buttons chosen.

[2] Fractals at different scales
TL;DR: A video loop exploring recursive forms in nature and mathematics.

This project investigates how fractals and other mathematical patterns appear both in the natural and digital world. It would be a video which morphes a mix of algorithmically created fractals & “natural” fractals without any sound and interactions. The loop would be a few minutes long and displayed on a screen.

[3] Sonic Ecologies
TL;DR: A interactive experiment distributed across six small stations, inviting participants to shape clay from Collserola park inspired by audio recordings taken there. These clay artefacts will give sonic feedback while being touched.

Exploring the Relation between sound, technology, nature and the physical world.

When was the last time that you played with mud? Why are objects designed to last forever? Why have we lost our connection with nature? What is the relationship with sound and our physical world?

These are some of the questions that will be explored with this intervention. Sonic Ecologies is a series of specific designed interventions that will be happening in the city of Barcelona and its natural surroundings, Ending with MDEFEST trail road in the natural park.

The intervention is designed to work as a cycle, with human intervention opening and closing the loop, and Its divided in x stages.

The Clay will be installed in different metallic and conductive totems, these totems will be connected to an electronic system that will be throwing sound signals when the clay is touched, so it will be modeled in a collaborative way by people that will be participating in the expo. Its expected that the resulting shape will be abstract like sculptures.

[4] Interactive Particles (interactive simulation instances)
TL;DR: A live and interactive visual installation inviting participants to move particles through motion inputs.

Gathering motion data input from either Kinect (movement, postures) or Leap Motion (hands, gestures), we can let visitors interact with a particle simulation running in Touchdesigner, or Processing. The particles will move according to natural laws, akin to snowflakes, water, mircoorganisms or smoke (tbd). There are multiple different installations within the exhibition.

Who has done what beforehand?

Six N. Five
Padina by Pawel Grzelak
Harm to Ongoing Matter by Jonathan Brandel
IX Shells
Im sitting in a room by Alvin Lucier
Sound Ecologies Bernie Krause

What will you design?

It will enable users to control both audio and video in an interactive multimedia installation. We will design multiple interface modules in roughly the same form factor (ca. 15cm x 20cm x 10cm) to be combined to one single powerful controller. The interface elements will consist of casted biomaterial buttons and other organic matter. Through capacitive sensing, an Arduino will be able to detect users touching the elements. Sliders and rotary knobs will provide additional input possibilities.

What materials and components will be used?

- Ardunio
- Wires
- Copper contact plates (or alternatively a pressure sensor)
- A custom-designed PCB
- Molded and casted biomaterial on alienate basis

Where will it come from?

Algenate is still available from Tati’s personal inventory, all other electronic components available from Joaco’s and mine personal inventory. Wood will have to be purchased depending on the availability of scraps at the FabLab.

How much will it cost?

Altogether not more than 40EUR. # What parts and systems will be made?One component featuring a slider, two with buttons and two with rotary knobs, all in a similar form factor (as described above).

What processes will be used?

- Soldering
- PCB Milling
- Laser Cutting
‍- Molding and Casting

What questions need to be answered?

- How do we best send latency-free signals to both Ableton and Touchdesigner?
‍- What is the best recipe for the biomaterial?

How will it be evaluated?

If it  detects inputs reliably and without much of a latency the electronics part is successful. If the Arduino code is able to smooth out input signals to eliminate the bulk of analogue signal noise and reliably send OSC messages to both Ableton and Touchdesigner, the programming part is successful. If the biomaterial interface elements withstand 50+ interactions per minute over the course of four hours of the exhibition, the hardware part will be successful.

Further Links

Applications and Implications



test equipment

consumer electronics
























musical instruments







  Propose a final project masterpiece that integrates the range of units covered,
        What will it do?
        Who's done what beforehand?
        What will you design?
        What materials and components will be used?
        Where will come from?
        How much will they cost?
        What parts and systems will be made?
        What processes will be used?
        What questions need to be answered?
        How will it be evaluated?
     Your project should incorporate 2D and 3D design,
        additive and subtractive fabrication processes,
        electronics design and production,
        embedded microcontroller interfacing and programming,
        system integration and packaging
     Where possible, you should make rather than buy
        the parts of your project
     Projects can be separate or joint, but need to show individual
        mastery of the skills, and be independently operable